T. B. Davies TB Davies 4.3m Roofer Double Aluminium Professional Roof Ladder


T. B. Davies TB Davies 4.3m Roofer Double Aluminium Professional Roof Ladder


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The Summit 4.30m Trade Roof Extension Ladder features rugged box-section stiles that delivers a combination of lightweight usability and strength needed for daily roof work. The double extension makes the ladder easier to use and transport than a conventional roof ladder and the variable length makes working on rooves of different lengths safer. Closed Height (m) 4.3 Rungs/Treads 17 + 15. Sections 2. Material Aluminium. Usage Type Medium Duty. Warranty 5-Year. Weight (kg) 20

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The Summit 4.30m Trade Roof Extension Ladder features rugged box-section stiles that delivers a combination of lightweight usability and strength needed for daily roof work. The double extension makes the ladder easier to use and transport than a conventional roof ladder and the variable length makes working on rooves of different lengths safer. Closed Height (m) 4.3 Rungs/Treads 17 + 15. Sections 2. Material Aluminium. Usage Type Medium Duty. Warranty 5-Year. Weight (kg) 20


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