Millie Table Lamp

Table Lamps

Millie Table Lamp


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A simple and stylish table light inspired by nature, with sustainably sourced dark bamboo table light. Finished with matt black paint and dark wood detailing.Product Dimensions: 33x 24x 24Weight: 920gBamboo/SteelOne SizeThis product will be dispatched by one of our trusted suppliers. Youll be contacted by their selected courier about your delivery. GALLE01

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A simple and stylish table light inspired by nature, with sustainably sourced dark bamboo table light. Finished with matt black paint and dark wood detailing.Product Dimensions: 33x 24x 24Weight: 920gBamboo/SteelOne SizeThis product will be dispatched by one of our trusted suppliers. Youll be contacted by their selected courier about your delivery. GALLE01


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