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Delivery: | £9.95 * | Brand: | VOGUE LIGHTING |
Price inc | :£864.05 | Deal Found: | 12 days ago |
Checked: | 21 hours ago | Status: | In Stock |
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Email alert: | MPN: | 30968915 | |
Price History: (12 days) | N/A | Low: High: | £854.10TODAY! £854.10 |
Report incorrect product informationThis product is priced at 10% less than a brand new model. Brand new price is £949Returned product price is £854.10Saving of £94.90This is a returned item. It has previously been ordered, dispatched, cancelled and collected from our customers and then fully checked by our expert team to ensure that it is in 100% tip top condition and fully packaged. It was cancelled upon delivery and has therefore never been used. However, because this line is not strictly 'new', we have discounted it to clear!* State...
This product is priced at 10% less than a brand new model. Brand new price is £949Returned product price is £854.10Saving of £94.90This is a returned item. It has previously been ordered, dispatched, cancelled and collected from our customers and then fully checked by our expert team to ensure that it is in 100% tip top condition and fully packaged. It was cancelled upon delivery and has therefore never been used. However, because this line is not strictly 'new', we have discounted it to clear!* State...