Joie Baby Swing and Rocker Chair Sansa 2-in-1 Bouncer Rocking Seat Newborn - 9KG


Joie Baby Swing and Rocker Chair Sansa 2-in-1 Bouncer Rocking Seat Newborn - 9KG


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This baby rocker sways side to side, glides front to back, or combines both for a soothing comfort. With a vibration setting included, there's more than one way to keep baby cosy. This cocoon-shaped baby seat features a 3-position recline, making it suitable from birth.

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This baby rocker sways side to side, glides front to back, or combines both for a soothing comfort. With a vibration setting included, there's more than one way to keep baby cosy. This cocoon-shaped baby seat features a 3-position recline, making it suitable from birth.


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