Zip and Link Divan Bed PLUSH FABRIC Hotels, Landlords, Serviced Apartments

Beds, Frames & Bases

Zip and Link Divan Bed PLUSH FABRIC Hotels, Landlords, Serviced Apartments


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Includes 2 x Mattresses, 2 x Solid Divan Bases & 2 x 24" Matching Headboards. Damask deep quilted finish. This stunning bed is a simple and versatile option for modern settings. Colour Range. Prevent and alleviate headaches, migraines and jaw aches by supporting the head and relaxing the neck muscles.

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Includes 2 x Mattresses, 2 x Solid Divan Bases & 2 x 24" Matching Headboards. Damask deep quilted finish. This stunning bed is a simple and versatile option for modern settings. Colour Range. Prevent and alleviate headaches, migraines and jaw aches by supporting the head and relaxing the neck muscles.


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