Cra-Z Slimy Slime Compound Set Toy 4 Compound Pack - Brand New


Cra-Z Slimy Slime Compound Set Toy 4 Compound Pack  - Brand New
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Get ready for super squishy fun with this amazing Cra Z Compounds kit. This 4-compound pack includes multiple unique compounds. Full of texture, colour & amazing compounds, it offers the ultimate sensory experience. Mix and blend the different compounds - squish, sculpt and stretch Includes 5 super cool add ins - blend glitter into the compounds for a sparkly finish Squeeze, mix & shape to create anything you can imagine. Get ready for super squishy fun with this amazing Cra Z Compounds kit. This 4-comp... - Manufacturers part number: 60066

  • SOFTEE DOUGH – The super soft modelling compound. Mould, shape, and create for hours of endless fun. A great resource for children to use their imagination by creating all types of 3D figures, shapes, and sculptures. The vibrant dough colours come in reusable storage cups that keep your dough soft and fresh.
  • FAB FOAM - a squishy, mouldable compound with its own uniquely awesome beadlike texture! Mould it, squeeze it, stretch it. It’s a super sensory experience like no other! Mix it with Slime or smoosh it on its own! Even shape into silly shapes, characters, and more! Fab Foam never dries out! Just squish it up, shape it however you like, then squash it back down and start all over again.
  • CRA Z SLIMY - This super soft, perfect consistency Slime can be stretched and moulded without tearing. Use your imagination and customize by adding the awesome glitter add ins for sparkly slime! Enough Slime for hours of endless fun!
  • MODELITE – is the Super soft, air hardening modelling material a lightweight compound that doesn't crumble or flake and if put back into the airtight bag it can be used again and again. It can be painted with all types paint including watercolours, poster paints and acrylics.
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