Get this Haier HWDQ90B416FWBRUK Built In Washer Dryer 9Kg 1600 rpm Graphite D Rated from Amazon for only £499.00. We found this offer today, so hurry whilst stocks last! - Manufacturers part number: HWDQ90B416FWBRUK
This washer dryer, using the washing cycle only, is in A class; in compliance with the New Energy Label and comparing with the G class, reduces consumption by up to 51%, saving energy, money and protecting the environment
This exclusive program uses a steam treatment that allows you to reduce and relax the creases reaching the ideal moisture level for easier ironing; through a dedicated button it's possible to select three different levels of intensity, customizing for dry or wet items, and accordingly on the type of fabric
With the door always closed, the gasket of washing machine can suffer from humidity that can cause the formation of mildew and bacteria; aBT Gasket prevents harmful bacteria and germs from growing and multiplying, making unpleasant odours and residues; this way, thanks to ABT in the gasket the washing machine always stays clean
A quick, efficient, economical wash cycle, giving improved results and ensuring top-quality care for your clothes; you no longer need to apply detergent directly to the garments with Haier's instant mix technology
Haier Built-in Series 4 has a new generation of inverter motor, which is equipped with a long-lasting, powerful and efficient permanent magnets technology; thanks to Inverter Motor, you can save energy up to A class energy efficiency and experience silent laundry and comfort anytime you want, even at night