Ultimate Performance Unisex/'s 7052 Cohesive Tape, Clear, 2 x 10 yards
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Save 34% on the Ultimate Performance Unisex/'s 7052 Cohesive Tape, Clear, 2 x 10 yards from eBay Daily Deals. We found this offer today, so hurry whilst stocks last!
- Use and reuse – as this tape is not sticky it cannot loose it’s stickiness meaning it can be reapplied should you make an error during strapping or if you want to repeatedly reuse the same section of tape.
- Use for anything between a light wrap for minor injuries or stretch it tight to give more compression. Use a strapping for support of muscles and joints or as an under/over wrap.
- Our cohesive tape is very elasticated with a lot of stretch and because of this it allows for a lot of flexibility in its application. The perfect addition to any gym bag.
- Cohesive tape is the ideal solution for any taping situation that requires direct contact with the skin. As the tape adheres to itself and not to skin or hair you wont have the common issue of pulling out hairs when it comes to removal.
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