Rummikub Classic Game from Ideal
Modern Manufacture
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IDEAL Rummikub Classic Rummikub Classic is the numbers strategy game that's never the same! Played with 106 tiles (1 to 13 in 4 different colours), the object of the game is go "Rummikub" being the first player to place all the tiles from their rack onto the table. Lay down sets of "groups" (three or four tiles in the same number but different colour) or "runs" (three or more consecutive numbers of the same colour). Bring excitement to your game by "manipulating" the tiles already on the table ... - Manufacturers part number: FBA_10140
- Packaging design may vary slightly
- WHO CAN PLAY?: Rummikub is suitable for 2-4 players, ages 8+
- FIND THE FREE APP: Download the handy smart timer and score keeper to take your Rummikub game to the next level!
- USE THE JOKER TILES TO YOUR ADVANTAGE: Two special Jokers tiles are included can represent any number or colour, so use them wisely because if they’re still smiling on your rack at the end of the game they’ll cost you 30 points!
- A SPRINKLE OF STRATEGY: The fast-paced game of tile manipulation. Manipulate tiles already on the table to your advantage! Rearrange or add to existing sets, to use all your tiles.
- THE OBJECT OF THE GAME: Be the first player to clear your rack of tiles. Place your tiles onto the table in number sets and runs, then shout ‘Rummikub’ once your rack is clear of all your tiles.
- WHOLESOME FAMILY FUN: Rummikub is the classic numbers strategy game that's never the same! Bring everyone together with Rummikub on games night.
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