Char-Broil Convective Series 640 B XL - 6 Burner Gas Barbecue Grill, Black Finish

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Char-Broil Convective Series 640 B XL - 6 Burner Gas Barbecue Grill, Black Finish


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Delivery: FREEBrand:CHAR-BROIL
Deal found:Today EAN:4260547593373
Checked:1 min ago Status:In Stock
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Colour: Black
Amazon £505.62Get offer
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£523.63Unknown P&PGet offer
eBay Daily Deals £530.58Get offer
* Condition: New
Robert Dyas £568.99 + £3.95 P&PGet offer
Argos £670.00 + £6.95 P&PGet offer

More space and hotter temperatures For those who want to concentrate on the essentials when barbecuing Char-Broil's Convective 640 XL-B offers even more space and hotter temperatures on the integrated sear zone which seals the meat without drying it out or burning it. What stands out . Seal meat without drying or burning on the Sear Zone6 burners with 3kW output and 2kW side burnerHeavy duty design with a two-year warrantyCast iron grids deliver authentic grill linesHigh-quality stainless-steel BBQ fin...

  • Sealed seam prevents water from entering.
  • Weather-resistant finish.
  • Designed to fit Large Gas Grills.
  • Lid-mounted temperature gauge - monitor the inside temperature of your grill.
  • Sear station of 4.68 kW that allows you to reach high temperatures more quickly on the grid and achieve the effect of searing without burning or drying food.
  • (5+1) 5 powerful stainless-steel burners and a sear zone for even greater barbecuing capacity
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