Baby Annabell Active Baby Carrier 710463 - Doll Carrier with Adjustable Belt System for Dolls up to 43cm - Suitable for Children from 3 Years Old

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Baby Annabell Active Baby Carrier 710463 - Doll Carrier with Adjustable Belt System for Dolls up to 43cm - Suitable for Children from 3 Years Old


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Baby Annabell wants to discover the whole wide world and she can do just that in her Cocoon Carrier. To be worn either on your childs back or at the front on their chest, so Baby Annabell can either look out and watch what is going on in front of her, or is turned towards mummy and daddy and can cuddle with them. Littles ones can simply pop Baby Annabell into the Carrier, clip together the adjustable straps and off they go. Handy baby doll Cocoon Carrier to explore with Baby Annabell. Features adjustabl... - Manufacturers part number: 710463

  • Suitable for children 3+
  • Fits dolls up to 43cm
  • If the child carries the doll in front of their upper body, the doll can look forward or direct their gaze towards the child
  • Baby Annabell can be carried on the back or in front of the upper body
  • Thanks to adjustable straps, the doll carrier seat can be adjusted to different child sizes
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